realities girls face to obtain monthly supplies
Written by: Rachel Kinley, Product Developer for Wunders
While presenting a training in the Mathare school in Nairobi with Yvonne, a leader of the Thrive advocacy group, we came across a difficult story. A student, named Yanza, raised her hand and shared how her friends had been solicited by an older man for sex in exchange for the monthly supplies they need for their periods. I felt deep sadness and anger as I listened and tried to collect myself enough to give my small part of the training which focused on the basic contents of the period care kits.
Yvonne explained more to our team after we left the school. “The girls see their parents struggling. Most have lost a job in the past couple years and are living hand to mouth. The students see the dire situation for the family and want to help. As awful as it sounds, it can be tempting to try to obtain pads when men approach them this way so they can stay in school and help their families. Even if it’s a month when the parents are able to afford supplies, there is so much anxiety around what the future holds. What will next month be like?”
Yvonne continued, “I love this partnership between Wunders, ICCM, Set Free Movement, and Thrive. Here [Wunders] is the tool to take care of this problem. I always feel so great when we present the training and kits. I picture myself in their shoes and I see them having a future now.”
Despite the realities girls go through due to period poverty, there is hope. A Wunders period care kit costs $35 dollars and will last at least 2-3 years. That’s 24-36 months she doesn’t have to worry about how she will find monthly supplies. Wunders kits help to remove one of the barriers to staying in school.
Please join us in helping protect the vulnerable and remove barriers for the next generation of leaders with these basic but life-giving supplies.
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